Why the loa isn't working for you and what to do about it

Uncategorized Jul 28, 2019
In this video Cory goes deep and talks about why most guys struggle when they try to implement the Law of Attraction. 
  • How the Law of Attraction works.
  • What most guys do wrong.
  • How to get the Law of Attraction to work for you, not against you.

Hope you enjoyed the video! 

Click Here To Learn; How To Attract Women Using The Law Of Attraction. The Exact 6-Step process Cory used to attract women easily and naturally. (Free for Limited Time)

Click Here to learn about; PRIVATE 1-on-1 COACHING with Cory.


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#1 Quality that Will Make You Magnetic and Irresistible (beyond mindset)

Uncategorized Jul 27, 2019
Hey buddy,
Here is a short clip from a recent webinar where I talk about #1 most attractive quality any man could ever poses. (Beyond your Mindset)
  • Natures way of attracting pure, beautiful, blissful connections (The Law of Attraction).
  • The most attractive quality women naturally gravitate to.
  • The difference between living in tik-tok VS. The Natural Flow.

Hope you enjoyed the video! 

Click Here To Learn; How To Attract Women Using The Law Of Attraction. The Exact 6-Step process Cory used to attract women easily and naturally. (Free for Limited Time)

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How I Mind Fucked Myself (funny)

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2019

Hey buddy,

This is a funny clip from one of my last webinars!

Have you ever done something and have it backfire on you? God knows I have. Here is a video where I share a story about something that backfired on me huge and left me completely "mind f*cked" and laughing after. 

 Hope you enjoy the video! 

Click Here To Learn; How To Attract Women Using The Law Of Attraction. The Exact 6-Step process Cory used to attract women easily and naturally. (Free for Limited Time)

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The danger of suppressing your needs and true desires

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2019
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Testimonial Chris, San Francisco - COACHING

testimonial Jun 24, 2019


I spent most of my twenties as a typical computer geek.   My days consisted of playing video games and watching TV to pass the time.   I convinced myself that I was happy with this life, but I was fooling myself.   I knew something was missing.   My confidence wasn't very good, I was a news junkie, which made me a very cynical person, and I couldn't find a girl for the life of me. 

I have had many crushes on different girls but always got my heart broken in the end.   It had gotten so bad at one point that I went into a semi-depression.   I was simply not good at understanding and dealing with girls, and it frustrated the hell out of me.   Never in a million years would I have thought that someone out there could teach this stuff, but I found him.   Not to sound too dramatic, but Cory literally changed the way I looked at the world; or rather, he brought out the natural...

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Testimonial - Ravi

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019


Hi, my name is Ravi. I want to share my story of how I went from living a dull, boring life to living a full, fun-filled life. 

Two years ago I was insecure, lonely, and anxious about everything, lacked any self-confidence and was just miserable. I had never been on a date and had been the outsider to my own life. I avoided looking at any pictures of me and avoided my own reflection in the mirror. Two years ago, I cannot recall how my face looked - that is how much I avoided myself. I did not like what I had become - what sort of man cannot get a single date nor have friends to go out with?

I had food to eat (I ate too much in fact), had an engineering job, a car and an apartment. My kind of struggle and suffering was not something that most people could relate to. It was a struggle of spirit, self-acceptance and seeking the normal things that many people take for granted - kissing a girl, laughing with friends and just having fun on a Friday night....

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Testimonial - Marc - COACHING

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019


What I want to share with you is the impact Cory Skyy had on my life. This is not just about picking up women and is certainly not about learning pickup lines or any kind of routines. What I learned is how to feel more comfortable in my own skin, how to have more fun, and how to be a better man. What that meant to my confidence and the way that other people perceive me is very profound. But let me explain to you how this happened.

I started from a point where I did not have any confidence in my ability to attract a great woman. I was a successful business consultant, and as such I did not have any problems interacting with people, but still whenever I had to talk to a woman I found attractive I froze up. Since I felt so much like a loser regarding women, I also never had fun going out—it was just frustrating to see how other guys got the girls I always wanted in my life and to feel so powerless toward them. I came across the...

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Testimonial - Steve - COACHING

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019


I was just going through a few emails I sent out last year and one of them was a really kick a** story that I wrote up about Steve and wanted to share it with you again. There are a lot of great lessons to be learned in this story and if nothing else this guy is definitely an inspiration to all of us.


A while back I was out with Steve, one of my clients that I have been working with for a while, and we went out to a small dance club.  It was a good night; within minutes of getting there he had several girls dancing up on him just having a good time. Nothing really out of the norm for him since after working with me having women all over him was just a regular thing.

After about an hour I decided to walk out and get some fresh air so I grabbed Steve and went outside. I saw a few cute girls standing over at a table near the bar so we went up and positioned ourselves next to them and within minutes...

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Testimonial - Allen - COACHING

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019

Allan Testimonial

When I wake up now I can’t help but have a big smile on my face thinking about all the recent adventures and experiences experiences I've had since getting involved with Cory's teachings. My walls are covered with new photos reminding me of these amazing experiences, many involving girls. Every day, I never know what to expect, who I am going to meet, what trouble I might get myself into. All I know is that I am going to be having a lot of fun. I look in the mirror, and I see a really sexy guy, a guy who many women are interested in. I never feel like I have to prove myself to women. I know what I have to offer and I know that there are many women to choose from and I am the one making the choices. Meeting women is easy for me. It isn’t work. I don’t rehearse in my mind what I am going to say or do. It just happens. Women start appearing in my life everywhere I go, and I welcome them. I am comfortable in most situations and become completely...

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Testimonial - Larry M - COACHING

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019


March 2013

Cincinnati, Ohio USA

Hey Dudes,

I have to tell you about the mind-blowing, life-changing program I discovered.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Larry. Just about a year ago, I was sitting in my office thinking about a recent rejection by some girl I met through an online dating service.  The feeling of rejection I experienced that cold day in March was all too familiar and quite frankly, I had enough of it.  Before leaving for the evening, I opened an email from Cory Skyy -- I had been receiving Cory's emails for years -- and learned about a new Blue Print program that he was offering.  After reading the email and reflecting on my recent experience, I figured what the hell -- I sent him an email to find out more about the program.  The next day, Cory called me up and we had a straight-up, honest conversation about my experience and my life. After that call, I made the decision to change my life by becoming a student of...

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