Every day is a fucking wild!

wild stories May 01, 2018

Everyday of the week was crazy and eventful. For example on last week Saturday I decided to go into a bar alone and socialize as this is uncomfortable for me. Due to my recent habit of complimenting people in my vicinity I end up complimenting this guy on his tattoo, next thing I know he introduces me to his brother who is getting married they were there on a stag party. Next thing you know I’m in a train with 20 guys and 5 girls who are all drunk, next thing I’m walking over a bridge wearing a blonde girls wig, end up in a bar packed with people and getting shock factor from everyone because I’m wearing a wig (girls loved it though), next thing I know I’m handcuffed to the married guy and the keys are lost...luckily in the end we found keys. But the point is I am way more comfortable letting things just happen without questioning them and this was only last week Saturday.

Other days of the week other crazy s**t happened I can’t go to full detail, but when you live like this it’s so easy to talk and connect to anyone because you have stories to share and many experiences and memories. For instance on Thursday I started talking to a random cute blonde girl on an hour train journey...in summary I opened up to her about my philosophies of life, about sex, crazy stuff that have happened to me and in turn she opened up to me as well, qualified to me and was very fascinated by my crazy lifestyle and how unique I was...SHE WANTED TO BE PART OF MY LIFE! When we come off the train I could tell she wanted to f**k me...she kept hinting at stuff but I wasn’t sexually interested so I left it there. I created a memory for her in that train she will not forget for a long time! On Wednesday I had a proper hot sexual connection (I got a hard on wtf ha-ha) with a cute brunette while I was socializing with people in a pub about 20 feet away though our eyes (credit goes to invaluable exercises in The Library) we were both in the moment and both knew we wanted each other...next thing I know she positions near me and I just knew she was there for me...we started talking and it was fun from there. On Friday I laid down in the most open and obvious part of one of the biggest malls in London...though I was sh**ting myself for 20 mins before I did it(because I didn’t have a friend to fall back to ) I did it and felt f**king good afterwards.

I can’t go into the other stories or events but I’ll just say before when I spent time home playing video games and watching TV I didn’t see the value of a week. Now that I live this way I see value of a day! There is so much to do, learn and improve in just one day and then you feel more gratitude for every moment your alive. I’m so busy trying and doing new stuff that I don’t even have time to think about anything.

The more I push the limits, step outside my comfort zone every day ...the more I don’t give a f**k , feel more carefree, more self-worth , more free, happier , grateful, more comfortable and confident , and more authentic. It’s all about trusting the process and it all comes down to how badly you want it. I want it badly and I know without an ounce of doubt it is a matter of when not if I will get there.

~Rodrigo, Texas


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