Men have really lost their way, wake up and man up!

Uncategorized Nov 28, 2020

Hey buddy, Cory Skyy here, 

As I look around I feel a deep sense of sadness for the way we are living as men.  The world is changing fast and with each passing day we become more and more indoctrinated and domesticated by our corrupt leaders and governments. 

As a whole, man has really lost their way and greed has poisoned our souls. Men all around the world are feeling disconnected, emasculated, unfulfilled, alone, overworked, undervalued, sexually and socially repressed, overwhelmed and stressed the fuck out.   

Our logic and reasoning has made us ignorant, our need for acceptance has made us pussies, our need for knowledge has made us cynical, and our need for speed has removed us from what truly matters in life. 

Blind to it all, Our human dignity, our masculinity, our independence, and our personal freedom has been stripped away and worst of all our ability to know what is right and just, is non existence. 

So what is the solution?   ------ > YOU ARE!!! 

The world is rapidly changing and if you want to have any sort of future worth living, it is absolutely critical that you do everything in your power as a man to wake up to this very ugly reality that we are all living in and do something about it.

We all need to man up and start living more authentically, confidently and consciously!  And that starts now!  Are you ready to wake up and man up?!  Are you ready to step outside of your comfort zones and start living again?! 

Join me inside my inner circle that I am launching in January 2021!  

My inner circle is LIVE, ongoing coaching program that is all about living more authentically, confidently and consciously!  It's all about experiencing life fully, being fulfilled and living free!  

It is journey to self mastery! It's not easy yet it's by far the most liberating thing a man could ever do in his lifetime. Join me and start stripping away all your needy, old self-destructive thoughts, beliefs and behaviors so you can reclaim your true identity as a man and as a spiritual being. 

CLICK HERE To Check it Out and Get Involved 


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