The Mind is a great Servant, and a Terrible Master.

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2020

The mind is a great servant, and a terrible master. It is your choice which role it plays in your own life.  If you are currently single, I highly recommend you read through and answer the following 15 questions: 

  1. Have you ever wondered why dating is so difficult? And questioned if there was something wrong with you? 
  2. Have you ever found it difficult to get a girl you are really interested in? 
  3. Are you constantly wondering what to say and do to get a girl to like you?
  4. Do you ever make excuses like “she’s out of my league - I’m not good enough” or “she probably has a boyfriend and wouldn’t like me anyways”
  5. Do you have negative thoughts about yourself, women, and dating running uncontrollably in your mind?\
  6. Do you struggle with irrational insecurities, self doubt, low self esteem? 
  7. Do you find it difficult speaking your mind and being brutally honest in front of girls or social settings?
  8. Is it hard for you to talk comfortably and openly about s*x with others in a social setting?  
  9. When you look in the mirror, is it difficult for you to see yourself as an attractive, confident, guy?
  10. Have you ever found yourself jealous or envious of other guys that have beautiful women in their lives?
  11. Do you find it difficult to express vulnerability and talk openly about your fears and insecurities even if you are laughing or joking about them?
  12. Do you ever go home at night wishing you could have brought a girl home, beating yourself up wondering if there is something wrong with you?
  13. Do you find yourself constantly trying to find things to distract you from being with yourself and feeling alone? 
  14. Do you ever find yourself feeling alone, like a bystander to your own life? 
  15. Do you feel like you are truly honest with yourself

If you answered yes to any of the questions you are not alone. Truth is pretty much every guy I ever worked with answered yes to most of these but it doesn't have to be that way and I am telling you right now that you CAN change it. Would you like to know how? 

It's YOU!   You are the problem and the solution. Not me or anyone else. 

You are the one that has to be the one to say enough is enough. You are the one that is responsible for making the decision to do something about it. You are the one that must be brave enough to face your doubts and fears. You are the one that must stop allowing your mind / past experiences control you. You are the one that must be strong enough to become the master of your own mind.

I can give you the guidance and support you need to get the results you want but at the end of the day, it's only YOU, that is stopping you from having what you want. It is you that must be willing to put in the work to rewrite your story and create a better future for yourself. 

Nothing will ever change as long as you continue buying into this lie or story that you have been telling yourself over and over again. 

Until you acknowledge the fact that YOU are in control of your life, your life will continue to remain the same. You might see a few feel good results every once in a while but that is only your mind tricking you into thinking that you are actually in control of your life, but you're not. 

If you are one of these guys that struggles with the things above yet you continue to dabbling into my teachings and the millions of other coaches online, I highly encourage you to man up and go all in because if you don't the loneliness and regret will only become unbearable for you.

The only other option you have is to just give up wanting women and a better dating life because you are causing yourself far too much suffering by wanting something that you are not willing to truly make a reality. If you simply accept the fact that you are where you are and learn to be okay with that, at least you will be much happier. 

-Cory Skyy



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