Testimonial - Ravi

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019


Hi, my name is Ravi. I want to share my story of how I went from living a dull, boring life to living a full, fun-filled life. 

Two years ago I was insecure, lonely, and anxious about everything, lacked any self-confidence and was just miserable. I had never been on a date and had been the outsider to my own life. I avoided looking at any pictures of me and avoided my own reflection in the mirror. Two years ago, I cannot recall how my face looked - that is how much I avoided myself. I did not like what I had become - what sort of man cannot get a single date nor have friends to go out with?

I had food to eat (I ate too much in fact), had an engineering job, a car and an apartment. My kind of struggle and suffering was not something that most people could relate to. It was a struggle of spirit, self-acceptance and seeking the normal things that many people take for granted - kissing a girl, laughing with friends and just having fun on a Friday night. There was tremendous anger inside of me. I hated my life and hated the fact that there was no easy way out of that misery. I wished there was something I could do to change this poor excuse of a man I had become - join the military, fight, or something. The thought of me continuing to lead this life, being this man, frightened me more than anything.

It was at this point that I met with Cory. It was an opportunity to change every aspect of my life and lead the life I had always wanted to. Not only that, but it was exciting. I gave it a chance. My first meeting with him did not go well. He did not sugar coat anything. He told me things about me that I did not want to hear. A guy who avoids looking at his own reflection in the mirror literally, does not want the truth to be told so plainly and in a matter-of-fact manner. But, that is what he did, and I hated him for that. He told me the steps I needed to take and that there are no quick fixes, that there is nothing that I could do to change my life overnight. But, if I put in the effort, one step at a time, then I could change my life. I could never see myself getting to a point of being happy with the dating life, having friends and leading the lifestyle I wanted. It was completely out of reach for me - in another planet, in another galaxy.

I was filled with doubts. But it still left me with the nagging question of, if not this, then what? I could not continue to live the sad excuse of a life I was living. I also realized that Cory had to care about my success to tell the harsh truth - in a world where people sugar coat and sell quick fix bullshit, this was different. The fact that he was saying the harsh truth that no one else was prepared to say, but everyone else knew and were probably saying behind my back, was the best proof that he had a kind heart and wanted me to succeed.

I decided to take the plunge completely. It was not an easy journey. Every step was challenging, but facing it was tremendously fulfilling as well.

I started going to the gym for the first time in my life. It was not an easy habit to form. Cory was there to give me a kick in the backside, encourage me and make it into a habit. I went from being 100lbs overweight, never dating a girl, not having any friends, avoiding social situations at all cost, super insecure and blaming myself and others, thinking, “Why would a girl want to be with me?”

To now being in the best shape of my life, feeling great about who I am, actually dating beautiful girls that I couldn't have ever dreamed of before, to having good friends and a great social life. The old me could have never imagined having this life, it’s crazy! Now it's almost become a normal thing to have girls approaching me in bars telling me that I am sexy & attractive and basically throwing themselves at me to take them home. 

My mindset started to change. I have so much more belief and confidence in myself and really enjoy life now, my entire reality has changed. I started accepting myself for myself, with my flaws, my shortcomings and my sordid past. I was no longer ashamed of myself. I had the feeling of Yes, I am here, and this is who I am and so what!! My own unique qualities started to come out. I learned that I am a funny, goofy guy and people loved that about me. I learned that people love to hang out with me and that I have a welcoming attitude about me--that made people comfortable and open up easily. 

I started going out and having fun. I did the things I always wanted to do but was afraid of doing before. I got involved in stand-up comedy. I got involved in dancing. I took up boxing and jujitsu. I joined groups and organizations and made connections with good people. I started living! I started getting a life, literally. I started becoming extremely comfortable in my own skin. The way I saw myself changed. I liked looking at myself in the mirror. I took care of myself and developed a good style. I had transformed into a sexy, good-looking guy. Seems incredible and almost too good to be true, but it happened.

At work, I am now thought of as the guy who speaks his mind and as leadership material in my reviews. I am able to work better with people, relax, and get respect from my co-workers. I work much less hard than I used to and I am getting more recognition. Financially, I learned how to improve my personal finance and love the feeling of seeing the money multiply.

I started getting compliments from women. My dating life came into existence for the first time. I had incredible experiences with women I was afraid to talk to previously. I became assertive and confident.

I went from:  

  • Inferiority complex to genuine, real confidence
  • Constant anxiety to a being comfortable in every situation
  • Being uncomfortable in comfortable situations to being comfortable in uncomfortable situations
  • Being fake, fat, unhappy to being real AF, great shape and being happier than I ever was
  • Anger toward myself to loving myself
  • Not wanting to get up in the morning to cannot wait to get up and live life
  • People asking me why I never smile to people asking me what am I smiling about
  • Being dead to everyone else to people noticing me and acknowledging me everywhere I go
  • The guy who used to stand at the end of the dance floor in clubs not having fun to the guy who has girls dancing on him
  • The shy, introverted guy to a fun-loving guy who speaks his mind
  • Constantly doubting myself to complete belief in myself
  • Comparing and wanting to be someone else to love being myself and being completely comfortable with it


I was on complete autopilot before working with Cory Skyy. Now, I am living on my terms. With my own goals, my life, and getting what I want, I am putting myself first, knowing my happiness and fulfillment means everything to me, and allowing the things I want to come into my life with ease.

All I can say is, THANK YOU!




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