Testimonial - Isto - COACHING

how to create sexual tension 

Hey guys, After working with Cory I realized that there is an entire other world that is available to each and every one of us if we simply open our eyes and are willing to go through the process with the one and only, Cory Skyy.

For the first time ever it felt truly amazing to be 100% in the moment with a women, to give her this special gift as a man. Honestly I don't even know what the f*ck happened, we talked about everything, we laughed about nothing and the s*xual chemistry continued to grow stronger and stronger.

As I looked deep into her eyes we were flooded with amazing feelings neither of us had never experienced. I was in aww of her beauty and totally captivated by the moment, she even mentioned that no one else has ever looked at her the way I did.

After hour or so, I just grabbed her and we started passionately making out. It felt as if we had entered into a bubble where time slowed down, then it happened. She told me she had to go meet up with her friends. I was not ready for this moment to end.

I looked her in her eyes and told her it was probably best that she went, the problem was neither of us could stop. It was as if we were 2 magnets stuck together. I knew she wanted to stay by the look in her eyes, so I took her by the hand and went back to my place. The rest of the night is history, all I can say is that what happened there was absolutely amazing.

Reflecting back, this whole experience was the greatest moment that I have experienced in my life! Well up to that point at least. ;) The moment and the connection was un-explainable. After that experience, I am still WTF happened, :)

Since then, my success with women has improved rapidly and almost every weekend I experience something extraordinary with new women. It is something awesome that you can attract purely with your eyes even the most beautiful women to your life and you don’t need to do basically anything.

For those that may be interested in working with Cory I highly recommend it!

My entire life has become better in ways I never thought possible. My overall mood is much higher than earlier and I feel like a master of my own life and not being victim of circumstances.

I am more comfortable with who I am as a man, I actually feel sexy, social, sexually confident which has had a huge influence on virtually every aspect of my life. Yes the experiences like the one above will happen but that really is only a small part of what the program has done for me.

My relationships with friends have improved, relationships with family, and yes even my financial life. Even though the program doesn’t talk much about money my income levels grew something like 50%.

I also found like-minded friends as a part of the program so you are not alone in this journey. The program takes time and effort, but it's worth every penny. It helps you let go of the things that are holding you back and gives you the tools you need to create the lifestyle you truly want to live.

I am 24-year old Finnish student and found that this stuff works everywhere, even in Finland, or in Africa or in East-Asia, trust me, I have attracted women from these continents by using only my eyes.

Thank you for changing my life ~Isto




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