Testimonial - Allen - COACHING

Uncategorized Jun 24, 2019

Allan Testimonial

When I wake up now I can’t help but have a big smile on my face thinking about all the recent adventures and experiences experiences I've had since getting involved with Cory's teachings. My walls are covered with new photos reminding me of these amazing experiences, many involving girls. Every day, I never know what to expect, who I am going to meet, what trouble I might get myself into. All I know is that I am going to be having a lot of fun. I look in the mirror, and I see a really sexy guy, a guy who many women are interested in. I never feel like I have to prove myself to women. I know what I have to offer and I know that there are many women to choose from and I am the one making the choices. Meeting women is easy for me. It isn’t work. I don’t rehearse in my mind what I am going to say or do. It just happens. Women start appearing in my life everywhere I go, and I welcome them. I am comfortable in most situations and become completely engaged in who I am with and what I am doing. I don’t worry about what I need to do later, or feel a need to meet or talk to so many people – it just happens. ~Allen


Hey Cory,

A lot has happened since I last worked with you.
Soon after having worked with you, I became obsessed with the idea of quitting my job and of working far less. My priorities had become financial freedom and time freedom.
One thing led to another, and in February of 2015 I quit my job.
No more “medical director of a big clinic in Hollywood” haha.
My original plan had been to work part time, but I had set things up so well that I haven’t had to go back to work since, and most likely will never need to unless I choose to.
I now have all of my college, medical, and other degrees, like over 20, sitting rolled up in a canister in my closet instead of hanging up on a wall.
My plan at that time was to travel to different cities and countries, and to stay for extended periods of time.
I have lived in Las Vegas, New York City, and I am now in Philadelphia.
I lived in Russia for a month and I loved it. The women there are gorgeous and very feminine. I also improved my Russian as I was taking Russian classes as well.
I also lived in Croatia for a month and my family is from there. I got to catch up with some relatives and also improved my Croatian.
I speak five languages BTW, so I love having the opportunity to practice speaking with foreigners.
I have had my adventures with women here and there, but to be honest, I am not nearly as attracted to American women as I am to foreign women, especially from Eastern Europe and from Latin America who tend to be more feminine, so once I am back out traveling I expect to be having even more adventures.
And no, I am neither married nor in a relationship. I don’t plan to ever get in a monogamous relationship again, and cringe when my friends choose this path as it rarely seems to work out. 
I want to thank you again, as none of the above would have probably been possible had I not worked with you. You, Mike, the four hour work week (that I heard about from you) among others, gave me the inspiration to imagine and create a fun, adventurous and free life and I want to thank you again. 

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