For fuck's sake, STOP lying to yourself and walk your own damn path (Powerful)

Hey Bro,


Something that's come up a lot in my life lately is the importance of taking full ownership of your life and walking your own path. Personal freedom something I have always taught my clients but haven't spoken much of it out of my coaching programs.


It's really sad how many people will go through their entire life living for and chasing other peoples dreams. Constantly seeking out approval from others by putting on a different mask depending on who they are hanging out with. The saddest part is the fact that most people don't even realize their doing it.


For fuck sake! if you don't have the balls to show up as your real self than you don't deserve to show up at all. 


I remember working with a guy that was in college, he was studying to be an engineer. I asked him if he was happy with his choice, he instantly came back and said well yes of course! This instantly raised a red flag since I can read bullshit a mile away.


It was obvious, his words and body language were saying two different things. At that point I didn’t say anything to him about it because I wanted him to process it on his own and actually be honest with himself. Being honest with yourself is a critical part to discovering and knowing who you are as a man. 


So the next time we talked he told me he wasn't honest and that the only reason he was going to school to be an engineer was because that's what his dad wanted and expected him to do. He went on to tell me that he grew up in a really strict household and was afraid to voice his opinion to his parents so he just did what he was told and never questioned anything.


When he realized this for himself he was really pissed off, he couldn’t believe that he had been letting his dad dictate everything he was doing as an adult in college. He told me he was sick and tired of trying to please his dad and everybody else by doing what they wanted, rather than what he wanted.


He realized that he would never be able to live up to his dads standards and no matter how hard he tried he would never be enough. Right there and then, he made the decision to reclaim his life and begin living for himself.  He told me that his real passion was in music and he was going to pursue it no matter what, he said he'd rather be a broke musician living on the streets than continue living for his father.


About a month went by with no significant changes and then it happened. I still remember receiving the phone call that day. He was ecstatic, pumped up and feeling fucking incredible and couldn't wait to tell me that he experienced the most amazing week ever in his life and he felt better than ever!


Then he went on to tell me what happened, this is what he said;


I dropped all my engineering classes and quit college, I got kicked out of my house and my dad told me to never come back, I told my boss to F**K off and got fired from my job. Oh and I crashed my car while getting a BJ… It was the best week of my life! I am finally free!


We had some good laughs and he went off to do some pretty fucking incredible things within his life, but most importantly, he was finally free to express his true self and live on his own terms!


Hmmm… Interesting Isn't It?


The fact that all of the things he experienced that week are in the 'TOP 10 Worst' possible things that could happen to us, yet here he is, jumping with joy celebrating being more alive than ever before. 


Most people in society would call him insane for doing this, but he's not, nor is what he did crazy. The crazy one is the person that stays in school, gets a degree and then goes off into the real world living and working each and every single doing something they didn't even choose.


The crazy person is the one that's constantly going through the motions, wandering around aimlessly, trying to keep up with the Jones's, constantly trying to fit in, stay out of trouble and too afraid of stepping across the line just. While inside they are becoming more and more numb and miserable, just hoping for someone to give them the permission to create their own dreams.  


Our entire social and economic system is designed to maintain order, which basically means to keep people living in fear or rather in a box. Conditioned to think they don't have any power to change their circumstances. Just do what you are told and you'll be safe and secure. Fuck all that 


Personal Freedom comes with a cost and it starts by you standing up and saying enough is enough.

Living this way is not the path of least resistance but there is absolutely nothing more liberating than knowing who you are as a man and that you are walking your own path. 


If you continue living your life for others, your life will pass you by and before you know it you'll be laying there on your death bed saying 'Fuck… I wish I would of…’


So the moment of truth... What about you? are you making your own decisions and living for yourself or are you trapped within the 'idea' that someone else had for you? 


Hope you enjoyed this article!


If you are interested in learning more about this, be sure to check out my upcoming live event and self mastery academy below. Each will open your eyes to a reality you never knew existed.  





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